Monday, July 21, 2014

Just Do It!!!

I do it.

I'll admit it, because most people won't. And if you say that you don't do it at least once a day I know that you are lying. I do it. I did it just this morning, could have started my day this morning at 7:00 a.m. but instead I stayed in bed for another hour doing it. God did that feel great. I did it before my three-mile run, I did when I came back and another numerous times this afternoon. I even found myself doing it once more right before I went to bed, could have been asleep at 11:00 p.m. if I didn't do it, but instead I did it and the last time I looked at the clocked it read 12:36 a.m. What is wrong with me?!?! I think it is safe to say that I do it every possible opportunity that I am given.

Ladies and gentlemen, and all members of the jury, I'm guilty! Yours truly is a serial...


See it's not that I like procrastinating, I find myself beating myself over it and constantly asking myself where did the time go? WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!?!? It went to those two hours you spent perusing the web looking at real estate and watching "Color Splash" on HGTV! And you're not even in the market to buy a house!! Those voices in my head are right, but what can I say.

The more soul searching I do, the more I come to the same conclusion that I just may procrastinate because I am afraid of failure. Not because I fail at everything I attempt, because it is actually just the opposite once I put my mind to something and actually follow through. But more of being afraid of the success. Does that make sense?!?!

It's like this:

You know all those people that say "I wish I could hit the lottery, Oh what I could do with that money. I would have no problems..." But then later turn around and say if I could give the money back I would, because it just wasn't what they thought it would be...yeah my success is kinda like that. What if everything that I am dreaming of and working towards turns out to be everything that I never wanted?!?!

Don't misunderstand, I love what I am studying and can not wait to be a broadcast journalist, but what if I never become the next Oprah... have I succeeded or have I really failed. This is what I mean by being afraid of success...What if I am dreaming too big? What if someone pops my dream bubble?

Ok so I just popped my own dream bubble, that way no one else can do it. So now I can snap back to reality and reassure myself that I am in fact capable of anything that I put my mind to. I refuse to let my achievements to be anything short of my dreams. I reject allowing someone telling me that I am not good enough, strong enough, smart enough, and every other enough that I have heard along the way.

Truthfully the only person that can actually pop your dream bubble is yourself. Your success is dependent on you and solely on you. Sure you can get help or "breaks" along the way, but you will never be successful because of someone else. (Unless you're one of those groupies that is content with being the person who lives off the success someone else and calling themselves successful. What is that?!?!) But instead be the person that dreams big and achieves even bigger!!!

So starting today, I mean like right now, I am going to go for everything that I ever wanted. Regardless of what it is. I am just going to do it, if I succeed then I succeed, and if I fail at least I succeeded at trying, right? So I am a success either way. Wow, statistically those are some really good odds!

So off I go...

Okay, maybe after this one episode of "Color Splash"...just kidding!!!!

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