Thursday, August 26, 2010

Be Right Back!!!

And it goes a lil something like this:

Jersey: AAAAAjjjjjjj
Me: What’s going on dollface
Jersey: I f-ckin miss you
Jersey: Where you been
Me: School, work, school, work
Me: I feel like I’m in that movie groundhog day
Jersey: LMFAO
Jersey: drop out, just go with your looks
Me: ummmm, isn’t that what I’m doing know
Me: what’s on the agenda…when do we hang out
Jersey: I thought you were out of town
Me: I’m back now fool
Jersey: school schedule?!?!
Me: sushi, drag show, something…please say yes
Jersey: Ok, you got it
Jersey: What about your baby?
Me: Hi have we met?
Me: Now you are just making excuses
Jersey: No your blog
Me: OH…s-it my baby!!!!
Jersey: Bahahahahahaha
Jersey: Aj…don’t have kids